Baking, Festive, recipes, valentine

Rose pistachio cakes

Rose Pistachio cakes

Rose Pistachio cakes

ElectricKit Aga

These Rose and Pistachio cup cakes are wonderful for a valentines treat and so easy to make


You will need:-

125g butter, softened (place at the back of Aga in a bowl or leave somewhere warm for a while)

1 tsp rosewater

2 large free range eggs

200g self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

2 tbsp milk

50g chopped pistachios

Here is what you do

  • Place all ingredients into a stand mixer and whisk until cake mixture is fully combined and looking like…cake mixture!
  • Divide into 12 cup cake cases
  • Preheat your ElectricKit oven to 180 degrees and place on the second set of runners down from the top with the cold plain shelf beneath
  • Bake for 18-20 mins in a preheated oven at 180C/160C fan


Well now…I cheated because of time constraints for the photo shoot and I bought packet icing and rolled it out and cut out little hearts etc… however it would be very nice to pipe them with butter cream and glitz them up with edible glitter or actual flowers/ or Turkish delight/ dark cherry chocolate…endless options! And in view of that here is my buttercream recipe for these:

  • 125g butter, softened on the back of the aga…but not melted entirely so don’t walk off and fold the ironing in another room or walk the dogs!
  • 200g sifted icing sugar
  • 1 tsp rose water
  • 2 tbsp milk

Decorate to your own taste – lovely little cup cakes for romantic trysts

If you feel you need some extra AGA cooking tuition, Elley will come to your home and show you how on your own AGA – call 01544350382 for details

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