We all love a pancake, and better still – Scotch Pancakes
ElectricKit Agas – turn your dial to simmer – this is usually number 5
Scotch Pancakes
115g/4oz plain flour
2tsp caster sugar
1 large free-range egg
1tsp baking powder
110ml/4fl oz milk
Making Scotch Pancakes is very simple -anyone can do it, including the children. All you need to do is to stay calm and say to yourself – I can, I will, and they will be perfection.
Here is what you do
Firstly, beat together the all the ingredients in a large bowl. (You can use the balloon whisk on a stand mixer if you have one).
Place a large circle of bake o glide onto the simmering plate and allow it to warm through – this will happen quite quickly.
Using a desert spoon, place spoonful’s of the mixture onto the bake o glide to cook. The Scotch Pancake mixture will start to bubble. When this happens and they look fairly ‘set’ flip them over so that you can cook the other side. You will very soon get the hang of it.
Serve whilst warm, with fresh fruit, maple syrup and oodles of cream. We all vote 10/10 for Scotch Pancakes!
Cooks note :- These can be made smaller and served as canapés with smoked salmon, crème fraiche and horseradish sauce mixed in with chives.