Baking, Festive, recipes

Millionaires Shortbread

millionaires shortbread

Millionaires Shortbread ElectricKit Aga

For the shortbread
225g plain flour
175g salted organic butter, chilled and cut into cubes
50g caster sugar

For the topping
150g organic butter
1 x 397g can of condensed milk
100g golden syrup
200g milk chocolate
150g good quality dark chocolate
50g of roughly chopped pistachios or walnuts

How to make
1. Heat your ElectricKit Aga to 150 degrees
2. Set the chocolate in a bowl on the back of the Aga to gently melt…or if not using an Aga then melt using a bowl over a pan of boiling water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water. But don’t do this until your toffee caramel topping is cooling on the shortbread in the fridge.
3. Line a square tin (23 cm) with BakeO-Glide or baking parchment. Using your fingertips, rub the cold, cubed butter into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.
4. Stir through the caster sugar.
5. Tip the mixture into the prepared tin, spreading it evenly. Press down firmly with the back of your fingers so that it is tightly packed.
6. Bake the shortbread for 25-30 minutes @150 degrees on the second set of runners down from the top with the cold plain shelf beneath your bake until golden brown.
7. Set the shortbread aside to cool.
8. For the topping: heat the butter, golden syrup and condensed milk gently in a pan on the simmering plate,(switch your plate to no. 5)  stirring occasionally until all the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth.
9.Turn your plate up to no. 8 to bring the mixture to the boil, stirring frequently. Be careful as it can spit and burn you (like a fiery llama!). Once at a rolling boil -remove from the plate and keep stirring –  the caramel will thicken and turn golden brown.
10. Set aside to cool for a bit and then pour over the shortbread. Allow to cool completely and then pour chocolate over the melted caramel.
11. Finally, sprinkle the chopped nuts over the top and put in the fridge to cool completely and set.
12.Now its time to cut into (small) squares.
13. It is time to find someone else to eat it all as it’s completely addictive,  After the third slice you end up feeling rather sick.


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