Baking, Desserts, recipes

fruit crumble

fruit crumble

On your electricKit Aga

Fruit Crumble

For the crumble topping you will need

225g/8oz plain flour

115g/4oz butter (cold and cut into cubes)

115g/4oz Demerara sugar

60g/2oz rolled oats

½ tsp cinnamon


I used….

285g/ 10oz Damsons (these I had picked in September and were nestled longing to be used in my freezer…and I didn’t bother to faff around removing stones…prize to whoever has the most piled up at the end of pud)

4 large eating apples (cored and sliced with the skin on…again no faffing)

100g/3 ½ 0z caster sugar

This is what you do

  • If you are not using an Aga then preheat your oven to 220C/400F/gas 6
  • Place the frozen damsons in a bowl at the back of the Aga to defrost
  • With your finger tips rub the butter into the flour, cinnamon and sugar until it resembles fine bread crumbs
  • Stir in the oats
  • In a large crumble dish place the fruit and sprinkle the sugar over the top
  • Cover with the crumble mix
  • Place crumble on a grid shelf on the floor of the Roasting oven and cook for about 30 minutes… or until topping is browning and the fruit is bubbling through

Feel free to substitute any fruit. Pear and ginger works really well as does apple and blackberry…just pile the fruit into the crumble dish. Never scrimp on the fruit…we love hearty puds!


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