Baking, Breakfast, recipes

Welsh Cakes

welsh cakes

Welsh Cakes ElectricKit Aga


To make Welsh Cakes on your electricKit aga

You will need:-

50g butter

50g lard (or use all butter)

225g self raising flour

50g caster sugar

1/2 tsp grated nutmeg

75g currants or sultanas

1 egg

milk to mix

How to Make

Rub the fats into the flour, stir in the sugar, spice and fruit.  Make a soft but manageable dough with the beaten egg, and add some milk if necessary.  divide the dough in half.  Put out on a floured work top into two rounds, as thick or thin as you like

Cut out into rounds.  Set your hob to no 5. Cover the  plate with Baco-glide and cook the welsh cakes approximately 3 or 4 mins each side, taking care not to burn. (it depends on how hot your simmering plate is)  Serve warm, shake over with caster sugar.  The cakes will keep for about 2 days in a tin – just refresh them before you serve.  Serve with butter and jam – they are delicious!

If you need extra tuition, Elley will give one to one or one to a group demonstrations in your home on your own AGA – phone 01544 350382 for details

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