Baking, Mains, recipes, Vegetarian & Vegan

Butternut Cheese Lasagne

Butternut cheese Lasagna


Butternut Cheese Lasagne

Ingredients for 8 people

To make the Sauce

2 tbsp rapeseed oil

1 butternut squash, peeled and cubed)

1 red pepper, chopped

1 onions, chopped

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

300g mushrooms, sliced

2 x 400g tins of chopped tomatoes

2 tbsp tomato puree

2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme

1 can of red kidney beans

12 lasagne sheets (approx.)

Salt and pepper to taste


White sauce

100g butter

100g plain flour

1 ltr of milk

1 heaped tbsp.

150g grated cheddar


Between the sheets 😉

350g grated mozzarella (cheat and buy it pre grated at supermarket)

I pack of halloumi, sliced thinly


Here is what you do


If using an Aga Place milk in a jug on the back of the Aga to gently warm through.

Heat the oil in a large based and deep sauté pan that has a lid. Add the squash, pepper, onion and garlic and fry for about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms, kidney beans, tomatoes, puree, thyme and season with salt and pepper. Cover with lid and simmer for about 20-30 minutes. If cooking in an Aga pop into the simmering oven for at least half an hour.

Gently warm the milk on the hob if not using an Aga.

Make the white sauce by melting the butter on a low heat (simmering plate) and stirring in the flour. Move around the pan and cook for a little while before gradually adding the milk. Spoon in the mustard and continue to beat with a wooden spoon to create a thick smooth sauce. Season to your taste and add the cheddar and more milk if necessary.

In a large tin or dish spoon a 1/3 of the vegetable sauce over the base. Then a single layer of the lasagne sheets and cover these with white sauce. Sprinkle a third of the mozzarella over the top of the white sauce. Repeat.

Thinly slice the halloumi and arrange over the second layer.

Final layer: vegetable sauce followed by lasagne sheets and remainder of white sauce. Final third of the grated mozzarella, salt and pepper to taste.

Leave over-night in the fridge so that the sheets of pasta can really soak up the sauce.

ELECTRICKIT AGA Turn your electricKit aga to 200 degrees. Bake for 1 hour (up to 1 ½ hrs) at 200 C. Bake on the second set of runners down from the top and if it begins to brown too quickly, place the cold plain shelf beneath your bake. Keep an eye on it!

Serve with salad and granary bread.


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